Monday, 14 December 2009

Feedback from Target Audience

In order to gain a strong response from our target audience we decided to distribute our products on social networking sites such as Youtube & Facebook, this was in order to get a wide variety of opinions, also these websites associate with a number of people within the age range we intend to sale our product to, thus making these opinions significant. The majority of the comments I recieved was exccentric, many had denoted that our trailer reflected the genre with justice, as it contained many thriller conventions due to its many intensive scenes creating tension and thrill within the person. Many had stated that the composition and concept of the trailer created suspense urging them to want to watch it, and alot had said that the music was a definate emphasism on the mood and reflected the genre well. However we did recieve critism aswell, many had made reference to the continous repetition with the trailer, especially of the torture scene and the main protagonist frequent running scenes in London, thus making the trailer somewhat confusing and unprofessional. Others had commented that the acting was not so great and needed improving on, I personally believe that if there was more dialog intertwined in various parts of the trailer it would have been easier to state the roles of each character clearly, we had definately recieved this as a major critisim, they believed that more dialog was essiential in exemplyfing each characters role, initally we had intended to add more dialog in the trailer, however we had complications with doing this on the Mac's,as the dialog did not show up clearly or direct. Some stated that the portrayal of the storyline was to complex, thus making it more complicated to understand the plot. These crisism are important as we can consider them next time.

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